What is the 31 Club?
It is a unique club. The aim is to have at least one Mass offered for Vocations every day of the year. Anyone can join – it is free. All that is required is your commitment to pray for those whom God is calling to minister as Priests, Deacons, Brothers, Sisters and lay vocations too.
It is a prayer programme in which a member chooses one day of the month when they will go to Mass and offer Mass for existing vocations as well as an increase in vocations. If for some reason you are unable to attend Mass on your chosen date during a month, you can select another day in the month to attend Mass and pray for vocations. This is your personal commitment—there are no “31 Club police” to check on your attendance. The commitment is simply between you and God.
In this way, we can help to foster and promote priesthood and religious vocations in the Catholic church – by working together and praying together.
If you would like to join the 31 Club at Our Lady & St Michael’s, Garston or would like to set up a 31 Club in your own parish – please do get in touch using the “Contact Us” page or make your 31 Club commitment directly here.
You can find some prayers for vocations on our site here.