2025 Monthly Meeting & Mass for Vocations schedule

Meeting Mass
January 7.30pm Tues 14th January 7pm Wed 15th January
February 7.30pm Tues 11th February 7pm Wed 12th February
March 7.30pm Tues 11th March 7pm Wed 12th March
April 7.30pm Tues 8th April
May 7.30pm Tues 13th May
June 7.30pm Tues 10th June
July 7.30pm Tues 8th July
August 7.30pm Tues 12th August
September 7.30pm Tues 9th September
October 7.30pm Tues 14th October 7pm Wed 15th October
November 7.30pm Tues 11th November 7pm Wed 12th November
December 7.30pm Tues 9th December 7pm Wed 10th December

* Our meetings will continue to be held online, with Mass the following evening, at Our Lady & St Michael’s, during the Autumn/Winter months when the evenings get dark earlier. During Spring/Summer months, when the evenings are brighter, we will have Mass followed by an in person meeting.

Download a copy of this schedule here.

2024 Monthly Meeting & Mass for Vocations schedule

Meeting Mass
January 7.30pm Tues 9th January 7pm Wed 10th January
February 7.30pm Tues 13th February 7pm Wed 14th February
March 7.30pm Tues 12th March 7pm Wed 13th March
April 7.30pm Tues 9th April
May 7.30pm Tues 14th May
June 7.30pm Tues 11th June
July 7.30pm Tues 9th July
August 7.30pm Tues 13th August
September 7.30pm Tues 10th September
October 7.30pm Tues 8th October 7pm Wed 9th October
November 7.30pm Tues 12th November 7pm Wed 13th November
December 7.30pm Tues 10th December 7pm Wed 11th December

* Our meetings will continue to be held online, with Mass the following evening, at Our Lady & St Michael’s, during the Autumn/Winter months when the evenings get dark earlier. During Spring/Summer months, when the evenings are brighter, we will have Mass followed by an in person meeting.

Download a copy of this schedule here.

2023 Monthly Meeting & Mass for Vocations schedule

Meeting Mass
January 7.30pm Tues 10th January 7pm Wed 11th January
February 7.30pm Tues 14th February 7pm Wed 15th February
March 7.30pm Tues 14th March 7pm Wed 14th March
April 7.30pm Tues 11th April
May 7.30pm Tues 9th May
June 7.30pm Tues 13th June
July 7.30pm Tues 11th July
August 7.30pm Tues 8th August
September 7.30pm Tues 12th September
October 7.30pm Tues 10th October 7pm Wed 11th October
November 7.30pm Tues 14th November 7pm Wed 15th November
December 7.30pm Tues 12th December 7pm Wed 13th December

* Our meetings will continue to be held online, with Mass the following evening, at Our Lady & St Michael’s, during the Autumn/Winter months when the evenings get dark earlier. During Spring/Summer months, when the evenings are brighter, we will have Mass followed by an in person meeting.

Download a copy of this schedule here.

2022 Mass for Vocations & Monthly Meeting Schedule

Meeting Mass
February 7.30pm Tues 8th February 7pm Wed 9th February
March 7.30pm Tues 8th March 7pm Wed 9th March
April 7.30pm Tues 12th April
May 7.30pm Tues 10th May
June 7.30pm Tues 14th June
July 7.30pm Tues 12th July
August 7.30pm Tues 9th August
September 7.30pm Tues 13th September
October 7.30pm Tues 11th October 7pm Wed 12th October
November 7.30pm Tues 8th November 7pm Wed 9th November
December 7.30pm Tues 13th December 7pm Wed 14th December

* Our meetings will continue to be held online, with Mass the following evening, at Our Lady & St Michael’s, during the Autumn/Winter months when the evenings get dark earlier. During Spring/Summer months, when the evenings are brighter, we will have Mass followed by an in person meeting.

Download a copy of this schedule here.

2021 Mass for Vocations & Monthly Meeting Schedule


Meeting Mass
July 7.30pm Tues 13th July 7pm Weds 14th July
August 7.30pm Tues 10th August 7pm Weds 11th August
September 7.30pm Tues 14th September 9.30am Tues 14th September
October Mass 7.30pm Tues 12th October followed by in person meeting*
November 7.30pm Tues 9th November 7pm Weds 10th November
December 7.30pm Tues 14th December 7pm Weds 15th December

* In October, we will be having Serra Mass followed by an in person meeting and social gathering (Covid situation and guidelines permitting). More details about this to follow closer to the time.

Please note especially that the September Mass for Vocations will be in the morning on the same day as our meeting.

Download a copy of this schedule here.

Monthly Meetings

The Serra Club of South Herts continues to meet every month, on the second Tuesday of the month. As we are now in the Autumn/Winter season, we are once again meeting on Zoom –  if you would like to join us, please do get in touch using the form on the contact page and we will give you the details of our next meeting.

A schedule of our 2025 meetings can be found here.

Resources for prayer and attending Mass at home

During the height of the COVID-19 outbreak, we were not able to attend Mass for vocations or have our in-person meetings. However, we could still pray for vocations at home and have our regular monthly meetings online to pray together and learn about vocations.

From this time we collected some useful resources for praying at home:

Local Churches

Our Lady & St. Michael’s – Garston
Mass is occasionally broadcast via Youtube from Our Lady & St. Michael’s.
St. Helen’s – North Watford
St. Teresa of the Child Jesus – Borehamwood

Mass is streamed daily from Borehamwood and can be watched here.

Other Churches

Serra Club of South Herts Prayers

Other Prayer Resources

Other Local Resources

Serra GB National Conference 2019

This year’s national conference will be in Wigan from 4th to 6th October, 2019.

As our programme develops we are pleased to announce that Fr Eamonn Mulcahy C.S.Sp. will be our keynote speaker and lead presenter guiding us through the apostolic exhortation “Christus Vivit” written in response to the Fifteenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, on young people, faith and vocational discernment.